
Neurology is a specialty of medicine that focuses on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system is made up of the somatic and the autonomic nervous system. They play an important part in picking up sensitive information from the peripheral organs like eyes, ears, etc., carrying the information to the brain, and controlling the nerves of the inner organs like the heart, digestive system, etc.

What Should I Expect From a Neurologist Visit?

A neurologist is a doctor specializing in neurology and trained to research or diagnose and treat neurological diseases. Neurologists may also be involved in clinical examination, and clinical trials, as well as introductory study and translational study. While neurology is a non-surgical specialty, its corresponding surgical specialty is neurosurgery hospital. Neurology, being a branch of medication, differs from neuroscience, which is the scientific study of the nervous system in all its aspects.
During a neurological examination, the neurologist reviews the patient’s health history with special attention to the current condition. The patient also takes a neurological examination center. Generally, the examination tests mental status, function of the cranial nerves, strength, coordination, responses, and sensation. 

Common Disorders in Neurology

Neurology Services

  • Well-equipped ICU & neurology ward for management of disorderslike epilepsy, stroke including thrombolysis, movement disorders,headache, memory loss, stroke, sleep and neuromusculardisorders.
  • Well-equipped Neurophysiology lab for 
  •        EEG – (Electro Encephalo Gram)
  •       VEEG – (Video Electro Encephalo Gram)
  •       NCS – (Nerve Conduction Study) & EMG – (Electro Myo Graphy)
  • Neurologists do not perform surgery, which is done byNeurosurgeons. The two specialties, by necessity, have to workclosely together
  • Well-equipped radiology lab having thin multi slice CT & hightesla MRI for rapid neurological diagnosis.

EEG & Video EEG

  • The brain is built from many nerve cells. These nerve cellsexchange information by electrical signals.
  • The signals from the brain are received and amplified by anadvanced electronic system and are registered directly on the computer’s memory.
  • EEG & VEEG is a non-invasive test – it is external only.
  • The EEG and Video EEG tests are similar but require differentpreparation, because of the differences between the lengths ofeach test. EEG is a relatively short test, which does not requirehospitalization. Video EEG is a longer test which requireshospitalization and preparation.
  • VEEG is done with special equipment which records EEG, videoand sound onto a computer for later analysis. In contrast toroutine EEG recordings which are normally performed betweenepisodes, VEEG aims to record EEG and behavior duringepisodes. 

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